Kara Trombly Homes

Kara Trombly Homes

The Blog

maintaining your home

20 must read tips on how to love and maintain your new home!

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6 Week Seller Series

Learn how to get the very most profit for your home in a seller’s market. It is important not to skip steps. Follow me for this 6 week series.

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interest rates

Learn how to compare interest rates among lenders and what factors will impact you getting the best and lowest rates.

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save energy

Find out 8 DIY ways to make your home more energy efficient

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Pre closing details

Your closing day is around the corner. Find out exactly what steps you should be taking today to ensure a smooth settlement day.

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home inspection 101

How to Navigate a Home Inspection You don’t want any nasty surprises after you move into your new home, right?!  Getting a professional home inspection is one very important step you need to take once you’re under contract. Your contract may include a contingency that gives you a certain number of days to complete an […]

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Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Don’t make that your mantra when it comes to your home’s maintenance! Preventative maintenance is worth your time and money NOW to avoid costly home disasters later. You don’t want to be the one saying, “I should’ve caulked those windows for a few bucks a tube,” when faced with a $2,000 repair […]

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buying a condo

Learn what documents you should be reviewing in detail when you purchase a condo.

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5 Emergency Situations You Can Avoid

How to Handle 5 Home Emergency Situations As a homeowner, it’s fun to enjoy all the great things about your home—place to relax, entertain, or spend quality time with family.  But what about when something goes wrong?  Do you know what needs to be done in case of an emergency or other urgent situation in […]

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Homebuying tips - Under Contract

What You MUST Do When You Go Under Contract Once you’re under contract to buy a home, you want the final stages of the mortgage process to go smoothly – you don’t want anything to sidetrack the sale from here on out! Nothing is a done deal yet even when you’re under contract. Both your […]

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Hi, I am Kara Trombly.
I love serving my clients by slowing down the home buying and selling process and providing the knowledge and resources you need.

It is no secret we all feel like we are living on an endless treadmill. We crave more time. We crave more energy. And eventually, we crave a new space to suit our lifestyle.

Perhaps we are dreaming of our own space so that we can begin to build wealth through real estate. Perhaps we are dreaming of more space for our growing family or perhaps we are dreaming of a smaller space so that we can focus on what matters most.

Regardless of the space we dream up, we are often overwhelmed by the question of how? With my knowledge and expert guidance, I will help you find the answers to your "how".

Let's Do This!

Say goodbye to stress and hello to your very own home

schedule Your free consultation now